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  • Founded in 1989 by Dr. Ron Jones.
  • Based in Los Angeles, California.
  • The oldest bungee jumping company in the United States.
  • The Only Government Certified bungee jumping company in California.
  • State Bungee License #C-19879.
  • Perfect Safety Record!!!

black-and-white photo of the Bridge to Nowhere contruction

The Bridge to Nowhere

The historic, Bridge to Nowhere was built in 1936. In 1938, the road to the bridge was washed away during California’s 4th largest flood leaving behind a beautiful 5 mile hiking trail through the Angeles National Forest.

The Bridge to Nowhere sits on 50 acres of private property surrounded on all sides by the Sheep Mountain Wilderness Area in the Angeles National Forest.

Bungee America is the only company in California who is State Licensed to bungee jump from a bridge or anything else for that matter. The Bridge to Nowhere bungee site where the public can experience the thrills and exhilaration of bungee jumping.

Hollywood Stunts

When Hollywood needs the most experienced bungee stunt coordinator in the world, Ron Jones is the man tinsel town relies upon to keep their superstar celebrities safe while flying through the air on a rubber band. Whether it be reality television with aspiring actors or feature films with legends like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jim Carrey, one glance at our Hollywood Stunt Credits will confirm Bungee America’s credibility as the best in the business. Since 1989 Bungee America has performed over 100 television, commercial & feature movie stunts including 6 World Records.

If you can dream it, we can do it!

Portable Bungee Towers

Bungee America is the manufacturer & operator of the most beautiful Bungee Towers in the world. The Bungee Arch stands 140 feet high; as tall as a 14 story building yet completely transportable. This is the only OSHA certified multi-purpose bungee tower in the world. Not only can guests bungee jump from 140 feet above the ground but they can also experience the Rocket Launcher, a reverse bungee ride that slingshots riders 100 feet into the air in just 2 seconds.

Equipment Manufacturing

Bungee America manufactures Thundercord bungee cord. This is the only braided multiple cord bungee system in the world which can stretch more than 3 times its resting length. Each cord contains its own safety back-up. Utilizing a multiple cord bungee system equates to not just one back-up but multiple back-ups which provides multiple redundancy for the ultimate in safety. Equipment from bungee cords to waist, chest & ankle harnesses and everything in between can be purchased at Bungee America.

Consulting and Site Training

Bungee America is world renowned for its international Bungee Consulting & Bungee Site Training. Bungee America has trained 26 bungee sites all around the world including Korea, Japan, China, Russia, South Africa and the USA, providing everything from minor consultation to complete turn-key bungee sites and training. Our training team will come to your location and incorporate all the specific aspects of your jump site into our proven training curriculum.

Our philosophy is simple:

Safety consists of redundancy in both equipment and procedures coupled with an impeccable attention to detail.”

For questions and assistance the Office is open Monday-Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm.
Bungee Jumping tours are every Saturday & Sunday and Midweek by special arrangement.
Reservations are made at https://reservations.bungeeamerica.com
Copyright © 2025 Bungee America, Inc. All Rights Reserved