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Bungee jumping within California is a State licensed and regulated activity.

Any business wanting to provide the public an opportunity to experience the thrills and exhilaration of bungee jumping must first meet the stringent requirements of the State of California, Division of Occupational Safety & Health (DOSH) Amusement Ride Division.

The requirements are so rigorous that currently only one permanent business in the entire State of California is Fully Licensed and State Certified, that company is BUNGEE AMERICA.

stunt crew setting up for a bungee jumping stunt stunt crew setting up safety gear for a major professional bungee stunt professional bungee stunt crew attaching bungee cords to strong base

Before a business can apply for licensing and certification all bungee equipment must be evaluated and approved for use by a California Licensed Physical Engineer. Each piece of equipment must be engineered and approved to safely absorb every static and dynamic force it must support.

In addition to meticulous engineering standards, an applicant must also provide proof of Insurance. Once again, BUNGEE AMERICA leads the industry as the only insured bungee jumping company permanently located in California.

close-up photo of bungee safety equipment for stunts

Once all prerequisites have been met, then an applicant can request Division of Occupational Safety & Health (DOSH) Amusement Ride Division perform a site inspection.

Every year the State Inspector performs an actual on-site inspection of BUNGEE AMERICA’S Bridge to Nowhere bungee jumping site. This includes a thorough inspection of bungee cords, harnesses and all related safety equipment. It is then followed by an evaluation of Bungee America’s safety policies and operational practices. After a flawless demonstration of safe bungee jumping procedures, only then will the Division of Occupational Safety & Health (DOSH) Amusement Ride Division issue a permit to operate. Once again, BUNGEE AMERICA meets the challenge as the only Fully Licensed and State Certified bungee company in California.

collage of multiple bungee safety certifications from the DOSH amusement ride division

State Bungee License # C-19879.


For questions and assistance the Office is open Monday-Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm.
Bungee Jumping tours are every Saturday & Sunday and Midweek by special arrangement.
Reservations are made at https://reservations.bungeeamerica.com
Copyright © 2025 Bungee America, Inc. All Rights Reserved